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Are you interested in a board position at WAG? Check out what titles are available, and the responsibilities that come with them. Click below to view our current board, or apply as a regular member. Board applications for Fall '22 are currently CLOSED.



The President of WAG oversees the entire operation. First in command, they have final say over member and board acceptances, potential events, budget usage (when applicable), and meeting times. They will work directly with the entire organization, communicating with the board on ideas and delegating when appropriate. They will not be overbearing, and accepts input from all board members. They will organize any board meetings, meetings discussing member misconduct, and overseeing any outreach and fundraising ideas. Overall, the President shares the responsibilities of the full board, but is not solely responsible for any one task. The President sets the meeting dates in conversation with other board members, determines the semester's events and projects for club members, and is responsible for any updates to the club's appearance, branding, and mission.


Our Vice President is our second in command. In any event which the President is unable to fulfill their duties, the Vice President will step in. The Vice President works alongside the President to oversee the operation, but they are uniquely responsible for any communications directly with the University. The Vice President shares the responsibilities of the full board, and works directly with all board members. The Vice President fields any concerns coming from the University and current BOARD members, all other concerns are handled by the Member Coordinator.


Our Head of Member Management, or Member Coordinator, oversees the acceptance of members, attendance of members at meetings, complete roster of members, moderates member chats, and organizes member feedback/requests. Most importantly, this role is responsible for collecting dues and keeping track of club funds. They also oversee any email communications alongside the President and Vice President. The main responsibilities of the Member Manager are creating a DEI presentation, taking attendance at meetings, and tracking member points. The Member Coordinator works directly with President, Vice President, and the Social Media coordinator. They are responsible for reporting any member misconduct to bring before the Board.


Our Social Media Coordinator is responsible for posting regularly on our Instagram page, updating the website information or communicating required updates, and directing outreach to draw in new members and keep current members excited and engaged. They are uniquely responsible for updating our EngageUSC page (when applicable) and any other Social Media. They may take creative liberties. Also responsible for coordinating partnership with other USC clubs and organizations, pitching ideas for seminars and panels, outreach for potential guest speakers, and pitching and planning events. Once funds are involved, the Event Director will act as Treasurer for the organization's finances and budgeting (when applicable), as well as pitching and coordinating fundraising ideas. The Social Media Coordinator works directly with Vice President, Member Coordinator. They are responsible for posting about upcoming events and meetings and creating fun interactive polls. This role alongside the president and vice president is responsible for allocating club funds for appropriate usage.


The Head of Writing should be a current student majoring or minoring in Screenwriting or Playwriting. They are responsible for pitching ideas for writing-based seminars, guest speakers and panels for writing, and helping our Event Director realize these ideas. They are responsible for offering members advice for writing, and reviewing any potential featured writing projects. The Head of Writing works directly with the Event Director and Head of Member Management for any outstanding concerns.


The Head of Acting should be a current student majoring or minoring in Theatre or Acting. They are responsible for pitching ideas for acting-based seminars, guest speakers and panels for acting, and helping our Event Director realize these ideas. They are responsible for offering members advice for acting, and reviewing any potential featured acting projects. The Head of Acting works directly with the Event Director and Head of Member Management for any outstanding concerns.



Ashley Tobias, B.A. Theatre w/ Acting Emphasis, Screenwriting minor, Pre-law '24 
Founded Spring 2022.

Rick Parks, John Wells Division of Writing for Screen & Television

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